Phototransfer on repurosed Material


photo transfers on food conveyor belts, pin stripe tape
original drawings are available at Walker Fine Art
approx. 22 x 27ft

We walk the walk we always walked; going straight with the flow, cleaned up inside out. We share the goddess eyesight – we are FreedomWalkers.

For this work I created drawings. Those drawings I photographed and transferred onto food handling conveyor belts. I started out the drawings with taping dried plants and seed pods with clear tape to the paper. I am fascinated with plants. They are our ultimate connection with life next to breathing – they feed us. As a food fabrication equipment, the food conveyor belts I picked as a symbol for human tendencies to explore artificial terrain to an extreme.

Around the dried florals you will find patterns blending with each other. The creatures within the drawings are spirits of the ether and the nonphysical. I call them FreedomWalkers. They straighten and redirect thought patterns and clarify the emotional net that holds us all. They are our partners, here for us, to help recover our selves.

The use of materials taken out of its original context, replacing its meaning and purpose is an important act of my work. It challenges the senses and opens up the mind to spaces of uncontrolled richness. The lightness of how materials work together and how they lead me to the final creation is a compelling process. Every time it amazes me how close the work delivers the message of my intent.

Site Design by Subsequently Now Productions, LLC