Installation out of Reclaimed Materials


acrylic on discarded billboard, 50 year old telephone wire, black tape
12 x 17 ft


acrylic on discarded billboard, 50 year old telephone wire, black tape
hanging rail system (designed and engineered by Custom by Rushton)
12 x 15 ft

Was part of the Exhibition “Perceptions” at Walker Fine Art
Installation was exploring key topics of the Biennial of the Americas

Today more than ever society is faced with the challenges of sustaining a quality of life unprecedented in human history. How do we celebrate what we have? What are the assets that contribute to a complete and balanced human being? What makes for a healthy and flourishing community and economy?

This installation is visual representation of The Genuine Wealth Model, which provides an alternative to the tired economic growth and accounting models, and it accounts for what we value most. That requires to rethink what “Wealth” really means. Wealth comes from the old English ãwealÒ (well-being) Êã-thÒ (condition) and it means the condition of well-being.

The Genuine Wealth Model is about all things that make life worthwhile that resonates in us as a vibration or emotion which makes us feel good. Genuine Wealth is an accounting of life; like a window on our souls, a mirror image of our genuine selves. The idea of Genuine Wealth is both a process and accounting tool for getting in touch with our core values, our assets and our capabilities.

Metaphorically this installation can be seen as a medium I use to shift the focus from past economic concepts of wealth to a genuine well-being of every human self.

Discarded billboards offered the perfect surface for this project and what I intended to communicate. A billboard is a medium which tells you about the newest and most important things to buy, places to go, things to do. It is the ultimate advertising tool outside on the streets. With the act of painting and cutting those gigantic tarps with all their information I was able to entirely strip down their message. I turned them into a wild and beautiful object with the goal to provide an experience which will lead us to our core desires.

My intention is that the created patterns, colors and forms will set the new vibrational tone to shift the focus more easily to the values mentioned above. The installation will be a celebration of richness and allowing the concept of genuine well-being in.Ê Only when we measure the real determinants of well-being and happiness will we be able to measure true progress. This work’s manifestation should put the observer into a place of dazzling astonishment and happiness.

inspired by Mark Anielski author of “Economics of Happiness” “Economics of Happiness” won Gold in 2008 Nautilus Book Awards in Los Angeles, June 1, 2008

Site Design by Subsequently Now Productions, LLC